

Fabrice MULLER

Curriculum vitae


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First name : Fabrice
Birthday : 23 July 1966
Nationality : Belgian
Qualifications : Computer science degree, University of Liège, Belgium, 1990.
Profession : computer scientist
Mother tongue : French
Foreign languages : English, Italian
Hobbies : swimming, walking, binding; classical music; monumental, artistic and cultural heritage preservation, guide at Saint-James church in Liège, etc. Administrator of different associations (see the French page).

E-mail :
Website :

Professional experiences :

From 1992 to 2004, at the Geomatic department, university of Liège.
Currently at the Tourism Department of the city of Liège.

Periods Tasks
1991-1992 Military service : in charge of hardware and software.
07/92-12/92 MARS Project (Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing : Regional Inventory Belgium 1992) of the European Community. In charge of the geometrical corrections.
01/93-03/95 S&T co-operation with the Polish Institute of Geodesy and Cartography of Warsaw : Assessment of the use of Russian high resolution satellite photographs for the revision of topographic maps.
04/95-06/95 Feasibility study realised for the Belgian company TELE-ATLAS : Assessment of the KVR-1000 satellite photographs for the realisation and updating of the vector street network database.
07/95-12/95 Elaboration of a WWW server to learn SPOT imaging.
This server, called EduSpot, is accessible via
01/96-12/96 Pilot project with the Belgian company TELE-ATLAS : Modification of the digitising software to collect topographic elements from the satellite images instead of the maps.
Geometric corrections module.
Contrast enhancement.
Changes detection.
01/97-12/01 Management Unit of the Mathematical Model of the North sea (MUMM).
Integrated and Dynamical Oceanographic Data management (IDOD).
Database design.
Spatial analysis.
10/99-01/00 Realization of a website in the framework of the project City promotion financed by OSTC.
"Liège vue de l'espace".
06/00 Realization of the website EDUSAT including "Belgium viewed from space".
10/00-12/00 Realization of the website "City promotion", financed by OSTC in the framework of EduWeb.
04/01-06/01 Concention with the CIRB (centre d'informatique de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale).
Definition of the objects of the UrbIS2 database to include in the reference basis map
10/01-12/01 Update of the websites EDUSAT and City promotion which are now available in four languages : french, dutch, german and english.
05/02-07/02 Convention with CIRB (centre d'informatique de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale).
Assistance and help for the elaboration of documentation and training for the cartographical database Brussels UrbIS of the Brussels-Capital Region.
08/02-09/02 Contribution to the realization of a website showing five natural or cultural sites inscribed on the World Heritage Preservation list of the UNESCO : Remote sensing and GIS in support of World Heritage Conservation.
02/02-01/03 Participation to the InfraSIG project : Assistance to the technical cartographic committee of the Walloon Region about the organisation, the management, the diffusion and the update of geographical data.
03/03-04/03 In mission to the Division de l'Observatoire de l'habitat in DGATLP at the Wallon Region.
05/03 Realisation of the website of the Geography department at the university of Liège.
06/03-12/03 In mission to the Division de l'Observatoire de l'habitat in DGATLP at the Wallon Region.
01/04-02/04 Installation of the new webserver of the unit of Geomatics.
06/05-... Tourism Department of the city of Liège.

My researches or realizations.

Publications, websites and maps realization :

See the same page in French.



Prochaines balades et visites guidées :

  • Jeudi 12 juin 2025 : Les fortifications de la citadelle (visite guidée guidée – infos)
  • Mercredi 18 juin 2025 : Les enseignes en pierre sculptée (visite guidée – infos)
  • Dimanche 29 juin 2025 : D'une colline à l'autre (balade guidée – infos)


Pour tout savoir sur les nouveautés et les visites guidées organisées, vous pouvez vous inscrire à la newsletter :

Réalisation : © Fabrice MULLER – 1995 - 2025.
Date de création de la page : 1995 – Dernière modification : 28-01-2009 .